The Surfer

Sinclair's battle after cricket

Jobs in the media, life as a coach, moving into administration or a role as an ambassador. For some former cricketers finding work after the playing days are done is not a worry, but for many it becomes a nightmare. A life changing one. Mathew Sinclair, the former New Zealand batsman, scored a double hundred on debut and another two years later but when he hung up the bat there was no easy path to a 'normal' life. He opened up to Sriram Veera in the Indian Express.
It was a time of bitterness and anger too at the rough card life has dealt him. "I would sit in the nights and wonder 'how the hell did I get myself into this position! How I have f**ked up'." Sinclair wasn't mentally ready for such a severe slide. Depression was gnawing the corners of his mind and he knew somehow he had to avoid stewing in self-pity. Putting himself out there on the radio like that to listeners nationwide was one such thing. "It was funny actually. A caller suggested I should become a drain cleaner, someone else said curator." He hoped something would open a door for him.